Gatlin is not all legs and fast feet-he keeps his upper body strong so that he can pump his arms quickly to help propel him. For the bench press, grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift the bar and lower it to the area just below the nips. Then press it upward. A jacked upeer body gives the gold medal a better backdrop.Gatlin does 10 reps of 305lbs.
"You want to do quick reps because quick movements increase reaction time", says Gatlin. Grab a barbell with your knees bent. First, dip your knees as though you're going to leap. As your weight shifts to the balls of your feet, shrug your shoulders and lift the weight up toward your shoulders. Now dip down quickly and catch the bar on your shoulders.Gatlin does 5 sets of 10 reps at 145lbs.
Squats offer a full leg workout, hitting the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. With your feet shoulder-width apart, take a barbell behind your head. When you are set and stable, lower yourself into a seated position, be sure to crouch from your hips and not your knees (DO NOT LET THE KNEES GO FURTHER THAN YOUR TOES!). Once your thighs are parallel to the ground, push back up into a standing position.Gatlin does 5 sets of 10 reps at 375lbs
Obviously, runners need to run, but the amount of legwork in Gatlin's sprint sessions could even make the most ardent Olympian puke gold. "I'll do four 20-meter sprints, three 30-meter sprints, two 40-meter sprints, and one 50-meter sprint", Gatlin says. In all, that is more than three football fields at full-speed with only about two minutes of rest in between each.Gatlin does 3 sets of these killer sprints.
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