Resting Metobolic Rate: "What Is It And Why Do You Need To Know It?"

In order to achieve your goal weight (whether you want to gain or lose or maintain) you must first and foremost consume the optimal amount of calories as well as stay active. For weight loss purposes this does not necessarily mean dieting or starving yourself; it means that you consume the exact number of calories so that the body's metabolism does not slow down and no loss of muscle tissue-which in turn contributes to low metabolism.

In order to find out what your optimal calorie intake is you must first know what your Resting Metobolic Rate (RMR) is. Resting Metobolic Rate (RMR) is the number of calories the body burns a day AT REST. Simply put, combined with your activity level, eat more than your RMR you gain, eat less than your RMR you lose, and eat the amount of calories equal to your RMR and you remain at your current weight. Normally you must see your Doctor, a Nutritionist, or go to a gym and pay $50 or more to have this test done.  We here at Mason Media have posted a formula below that will calculate your RMR for you for FREE.  Why is knowing your RMR important? You can go on any diet you want but if you consume too many calories you definitely will not achieve your goal weight. If you eat too little the body may go into starvation mode and retain calories. I will try to simplify this process for you. From my experience as a Trainer I noticed a 'correlation' when using the apparatus at the gym as well as using a slide rule provided by a 'slide rule' type apparatus that was supplied to me by a supplement company I also represented. The 'correlation' was that on almost every client the body weight was 10% of RMR. So if you weigh 150, your RMR will be approximately 1,500 calories/day. To lose weight, eat 1,350 calories/day spread over 5 meals and snacks/day, and exercise. To gain weight start with eating 1,650 calories/day; and exercise with muscle resistance and cardio whether your goal is to lose weight or gain weight to support metabolism. That was simple math. Below is the real math. Good Luck!

  • Men: 88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) - (5.677 × age in years)
  • Women: 447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) - (4.330 × age in years)
#rmr #restingmetabolicrate #health